a tapestry of love and broken dreams

A film that seeks to unravel the complex tapestry of paradise, shedding light on the shadowed corners that have long been obscured by the allure of pristine beaches and idyllic vacations. Through a collection of captivating stock footage sourced from the public domain, the film seeks to unearth a recurring struggle that has plagued these lands for decades - the persistent challenges of immigration, corruption, and greed.

As the scenes unfold, we confront the bittersweet reality that has been quietly tearing at the seams of these paradises. Through the lens of time, we witness the unending battle between our collective desire for solace and harmony, and the harsh truth of human frailty. The juxtaposition of serene landscapes and disquieting moments reveals a fragile equilibrium that beckons us to pause and reflect.

While the world shifts and evolves, our attraction to these enchanting locales remains unwavering. Yet, beneath the surface lies an undeniable tension that has been simmering for generations. The melodic pulse of Afro-Caribbean music serves as a poignant reminder of the vibrant cultures that thrive amidst these struggles, highlighting the strength and resilience of the people who call these places home.

Through this visual odyssey, we come face to face with the realization that we are, in many ways, a ticking time bomb - a potent metaphor for the delicate balance we must maintain. As we navigate the tapestry of paradise, we're compelled to confront the relentless human dichotomy of aspiration and conflict.

- created by homework

The trailer for 'a tapestry of love and broken dreams'


On January 28th 2024, Rum & Coke Miami celebrated their two year anniversary Dante’s HiFi.

A very special Session 23 with a special performance by Brownswood Recordings artist Daymé Arocena, done in anticipation of her upcoming album "Alkemi."

homework screened the powerful "a tapestry of love and broken dreams."

From Nueva Yol, CAPICU! provided domino action throughout the night.

The proceedings were hosted by the one and only Yameen Allworld.

January 28th 2024- Rum & Coke 2 Year Anniversary at Dante’s HiFi

Celebrating the highly-anticipated re-launch of Rum & Coke's Radio Karibe. This vinyl-only affair was a mind-blowing musical journey that explored the electrifying beats of Cumbia, Salsa, Merengue, Afrobeat, Soukous, Latin Funk, Zouk, Compas, and more, with a razor-sharp focus on the rebellious "Golden Age" of Latin music from the 1960s-80s.

Attendees were captivated by the infectious music, tantalizing art direction, and a captivating, thought-provoking video experience titled 'a tapestry of love and broken dreams,' that explored the rich complexities of life in the Caribbean and developing nations, masterfully brought to life by the team at homework.

It all happened at VACO STUDIO, a Miami-based multidisciplinary studio.

May 20, 2023- A Rum & Coke Experience at VACO Studio